Michael Obrist
in conversation with

Federico Camerin

Megastructure Revisited

28. Mai 2024

Federico Camerin

Michael Obrist [feld72] in conversation with Federico Camerin about "Megastructure revisited: The „Biscione“ in Genova - The spontaneous shedding of the snake's skin. The unplanned revitalization of the Forte Quezzi social housing neighborhood."

This research examines the spontaneous regeneration trends experienced over the last two decades in the social housing neighborhood called Biscione ("Gross Snake"), officially called the "Forte Quezzi INA-Casa complex," located in the Forte Quezzi neighborhood on the northern outskirts of the Italian city of Genoa. The autonomous social housing neighborhood was designed by a group led by the architect Luigi Carlo Daneri between 1956 and 1958 and constructed between 1960 and 1968. It comprises 850 dwellings in five linear blocks, with a total capacity to house 4,500 people. As in other cases of social housing neighborhoods built under the post-World War II INA-Casa program, the complex has experienced a decline in quality of life (e.g., drug use and petty crime, and a reduction in the number of residents) and underinvestment by the municipality since its inauguration. In light of an absent policy implemented by the City Council, several factors trigger a spontaneous revitalization of the neighborhood and this talk scrutinizes them to understand the lessons learned and future trends.

Federico Camerin
Federico Camerin, with a city planner degree and a European postgraduate degree in Planning and Policies for Cities, Environment and Landscape from the Università Iuav di Venezia (2014), Federico Camerin was awarded in 2014–15 and 2016–17 with two fellow research grants at the same university. He was successively an Early Stage Researcher at the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action-Innovative Training Networks ‘UrbanHist’ (European Joint Doctorate). In 2020, he achieved a double degree of Doctor en Arquitectura and PhD, jointly awarded by the Universidad de Valladolid (UVa, Spain) and Bauhaus-Universität Weimar (BUW, Germany). A former post-doc fellow in urban planning at Iuav (2021), he is currently a post-doc researcher ‘Margarita Salas’ for UVa and Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) (2022–24).
1.5h, 2 ECTS
HS 7 Schütte-Lihotzky
18 Uhr

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